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We are extremely excited to be a part of the Monkton community and would love to know what you would like from us and how we could further support your children and their interests. We are very fortunate to have a wide staffing pool in a range of backgrounds and expertise and thus can offer specialist programmes to your child's interests. Please take a moment to fill out the below to help us create bespoke programmes based on what you would like for Monkton!


We are currently planning the After School Programmes for next term and so this will help us in deciding what to offer.


Thank you for helping us help YOU!

Do you already know about our programmes we offer at Monkton?
Child's Year Group
Would you be interested in our Arts and Crafts Programme?

We are very lucky to work with a Musical Theatre and Dance specialist, meaning we can provide extremely high quality classes bespoke for Monkton Children! Please let us know your interests below:

Would you be interested in a Musical Theatre Programme, where children work towards a mini performance at the end of term? (This term children are focusing on Matilda)
Would you be interested in a Dance Programme, offering different styles every week?
Yes - I would be interested in booking all weeks
Yes - but possibly only for some of the sessions
Not interested in dance

We are also very fortunate to have specialist staff in a range of sports, meaning we could offer more advanced programmes in a range of Sports.

Would you be more likely to book a Sport Specific 6 Week programme or a multi sport programme, with a different focus each week?
Varied Programme
One Sport Specific Development Programme
Not interested in Sports
If a specific Sport focus for 6 weeks, which of the following would you like? (Tick all that you would be interested in)
Would you be interested in one off Workshops throughout the term, in any of the following?
Which days of the week would you be best for an after school activity?
How would be the best way to contact you about future programmes we run? Please select all that apply
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